1. Digital Signature Guidelines.(1996). Legal Infrastructure for Certification Authorities and Secure Electronic Commerce, Information Security Committee Electronic Commerce and Information Technology Division Section of Science and Technology American Bar Association 1996. www.abanet.org/scitech/ec/isc/dsg.pdf


Emerging and developing electronic devices and the phenomenon of “Internet” and growing applications including e-commerce, the transformation of traditional structures associated with the administration and business is inevitable. In this regard, some issues, such as keeping pace with the new demands of the business world (speed, security, affordability and consistency of electronic documents with data), the idea of an electronic record has strengthened. The lack of use of e-commerce in the loss of opportunities fleeting moment in world trade and undermine the competitive position in international trade. In this study, an attempt credibility, principles, rules, resolve conflicts and legal effects of electronic records of documents Iran and the international rules and procedures in different countries regarding the accreditation and acceptance of electronic documents is considered. The provision of e-commerce, law and real estate State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties, law offices, official documents, bylaws agencies with law books and study some countries and the offices of official documents, help to solve many of the problems and answers to questions posed in the context of electronic records respectively.

Keywords: comparative study, conflict of laws, UNCITRAL, electronic signatures, electronic transactions, protection of data

Islamic Azad university

Of Kermanshah

For internathional law graduate thesis


The comparative study of rules conflict resolution governing on method of electronic records documents from the perspective of the rights of iran and private international law


Dr. F. Azadbakht


S. Hasanpour

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