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(( اینجا فقط تکه ای از متن درج شده است. برای خرید متن کامل فایل پایان نامه با فرمت ورد می توانید به سایت feko.ir مراجعه نمایید و کلمه کلیدی مورد نظرتان را جستجو نمایید. ))

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The major goal of this research is to analyze the role of attractions and potentials of Nur Abad Mamasani in attracting tourists. The methodology of this research includes descriptive, documental and analytical methods. It is necessary to mention that after preparing the basic points and theoretical framework of this study, field study has been carried out in order to gain information about the given areas and to analyze their position and the quality of tourism. Generally, a questionnaire was prepared for this research. After completing the questionnaire, SPSS and Excel software were used to analyze the data. Alpha Crunback’s statistical test indicates that the validity and reliability of the questionnaire is at an appropriate level. Hypotheses tests which were carried out through Chi square statistical test, shows that there is a significant relationship between the tourists’ unfamiliarity about tourist attractions and number of tourists in this town (P<0.05). The findings also show that there is a significant relationship between the lack of infrastructural facilities and un-development in tourism industry in Mamasani town (P<0.05). Moreover, the SWOT analysis findings show that the vulnerability level is very high with regard to different kinds of tourism in this town and requires reviewing and presenting appropriate policies for removing the weaknesses and threats using strength and chances.
Keywords: potentials, tourism, tourism d

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